Have a good place to live is very important everywhere you are. When you want to live as a student somewhere because of your limited budget you have to manage your expenditures. The most expensive part of living at Malaysia, especially Kuala Lumpur, is home expenditures. So, it is not bad idea to share a house with some housemates like you. Isn't it? But how can I find a place for this issue? Fortunately, technology have brought a souvenir for us.
If you want to find somewhere to live-especially when you are looking for a room-,I will suggest you to visit Ibilik.com. Not only you can find rooms at Malaysia here, but also at Singapore and Indonesia. There is no agent here and most of the people who put ads are people who are looking for housemates. You can select an area that you want and search among different options and select somewhere based on your budgets and facilities that you expect. Finally, you contact with those people for visiting the place.
Congratulation very soon you will be at you room. In text post I will tell you the process of making contact to rent a room at Malaysia and points which you should notice before and after renting somewhere.
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