everybody knows that Iranians are very good wrestling around the world. History
of wrestling came back to 2500 years ago in ancient Iran or Persia. There are
many ancient epic poetry which point to this truth (Shahnameh). In fact wrestling was one of Persian war skills. When they loose they spear and sword. They fought in this way. There are many different type of wrestling in different parts of Iran. Actually Iran is one of origins of wrestling in the world . For many years Iranians have been number one in
freestyle wrestling in the world. Freestyle is one of their traditional style and they are sophisticated
in it. However, in Greg-Roman style they are not very well-known.
First time
around forty years ago Babajan Zadeh won golden medal in Olympic Games. After that
Iran did not have outstanding champion in this style of wrestling till around
five years ago that Hamid Sourian shined in this style for Iranians. He is
wrestling in 55Kg. Despite his capabilities in Beijing Olympic Games he lost
Gold medal. Maybe he was very young (21 years old) and did not have enough experts
to manage his wrestling well. During these years he did not stop and tried
hardly. In wrestling world cups he gained championship five times sequentially.
WoW he should have ironic will and working hard to keep these titles.
Yesterday, eventually he reached the honor who was seeking for. He defeated different
opponents from Kyrgyzstan, Hungry, and Denmark to reach the final game. The
final game holed between him and Roshan Bayramov from Azerbaijan.In the first
round he take Bayromove on the clinch and gained two worthy points. In the second
round one point was added to his points and finally the narrator proclaimed
Sourian is the greatest. Sourian celebrated his gold medal with a nice balance
on the wrestling circle like a professional gymnast. As a Iranian I really
proud of him.
Now Iran in Olympic contest table has one Gold medal by Sourian and one Bronze from
weightlifting by Kianush Rostami. At the moment Iran is in 39 step in Olympics
2012. I am quite sure that Iran ranking will promote very soon. Most chances of
Iranians in winning Gold in Olympics 2012 are in freestyle wrestling, Taekwondo,
heavy weightlifting.
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